



Kohnke, D., Rentschler, T., Pflanz, W., & Chagunda, M. (2022). Das Sundheimer Huhn - eine Zweinutungsrasse aus Baden-Württemberg. Nationaler Kongress zur Zucht und Erhaltung alter und bedrohter einheimischer Nutztierrassen, 27.09.2022, Bonn

Gresham, J., Reiber, C., Chagunda, M.G.G. (2022). The adoption potential of extended lactation as a strategy to reduce excess calf numbers in dairy farming. 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP) 4th to 9th of September 2022, Porto, Portugal.

Thuy, D., Kariuki.J, Chagunda, M.G.G. (2022). Suitability of methods for assessing the sustainability of agroecological transitions-dynamics in crop-livestock-tree systems, Tropentag 2022, September 14-16, hybrid conference, Prague.


Oloo, R.D., Ekine-Dzivenu, C.C., Ojango, J.M.K., Mrode, R., Okeyo, A.M. and Chagunda, M.G.G. (2022). Testing phenotypes for degree of resilience using fluctuations in milk yield of dairy cows in sub-Saharan Africa, Conference Paper, 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Rotterdam, the Netherlands.


Kohnke, D., Imort-Just, A., Rentschler, T., Pflanz, W., Chagunda, M. (2022). Aufbau einer Zuchtpopulation am Beispiel des Sundheimer Huhns. Bioland-Geflügeltagung, 22.03.2022, Online