Master's students

  • Krishnappa, Anil Kumar Gajaga: Livestock in the digital age – determining sire use spatial distribution and preference in relation to dairy breeding goals by applying data collected using digital apps in India (2022)
  • Zeidler, Johannes: Das Potenzial der teilmobilen Schlachtung von Rindern im Herkunftsbetrieb: Stressbelastung und Fleischqualität (2022)
  • Sinduya Jeevaratnam: The perceveid value of working animals in relation to other livestock in different countries (2021)
  • Tolle, Nils: Developing and applying a dynamic framework for climate changes instigation and adaptation planning at farm-level – case study of a mixed farm in Northern Hessen, Germany (2021)
  • Schönfeldt, Lea: Determinants of the relevance of animal welfare and sustainability criteria in dairy farming with a focus on cow-calf rearing – an assessment by farmers and students (2021)
  • Hristov, Petar: Prediction of cow body condition score from thermographic body temperature profiles (2021)
  • Norman, Eveline: Effect of supplementary feeding on performance, enteric methane emissions and economic returns in Boran cattle (2020)
  • Ribeiro Leandro, Miguel: Meat quality of local pig breeds of different regions from subtropics to temperate regions – a case study from Portugal and Baden-Württemberg (2020)
  • Gresham, Josephine: Prospects of organic calf commercialization and marketing in the state of Baden-Württemberg (2019)
  • Mayokun, O. Akeremale: The influence of household decision dynamics on building resilience for food security; a case study of the “one cow per poor family” initiative in Rwanda (2019)
  • Khánh Thùy Dinh: Marketing and branding options for pork products from Ban pigs in northern Vietnam (2019)
  • Carbajal, Adelina: Food security in farming systems in Mali (2019)
  • Graham, Hannah: The effect of lunar cycles and lunar distance on feed intake, water intake, body weight and milk yield in dairy cattle (2019)
  • Wollmeister, Manuel: Determinanten der Vermarktung von biologisch und konventionell erzeugter Kälber aus Milchviehbetrieben in Baden-Württemberg (2019)
  • Maurer, Sophia: Automatically measured milk electrical conductivity as a possible indicator of metabolic status in dairy cows (2019)
  • Plakolm, Isolde: Effects of different doe-kid separation and milk feeding techniques on animal welfare in goats (2019)