Our Department's Publications

Peer-reviewed Publications

Title In: Authors Year Type
Genetic analysis of phenotypic indicators for heat tolerance in crossbred
dairy cattle
Animal; 18(5), 1 - 12; Elsevier R.D. Oloo, C.C. Ekine-Dzivenu, R. Mrode, J. Bennewitz, J.M.K. Ojango, G. Kipkosgei, G. Gebreyohanes, A.M. Okeyo, M.G.G. Chagunda 2024 Article
Influence of climate-smart technologies on the success of livestock donation programs for smallholder farmers in Rwanda Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change; 29, 1 - 27; Springer Nature John M. Kandulu, Alec Zuo, Sarah Wheeler, Theogene Dusingizimana, Mizeck G. G. Chagunda 2024 Article
Dorper sheep in Africa: A review of their use and performance in different environments CAB reviews; 18, 1 - 9; CAB International Julie M. K. Ojango, Moses Okpeku, Richard Osei-Amponsah, Donald R. Kugonza, Okeyo Mwai, Mizeck G. G. Chagunda, Victor E. Olori 2023 Article
Enhancing individual animal resilience to environmental disturbances to address low productivity in dairy cattle performing in sub-saharan Africa Frontiers in animal science; 4, 1 - 19; Frontiers Media Richard D. Oloo, Julie M. Ojango, Chinyere Ekine-Dzivenu, Gebregziabher Gebreyohanes, Raphael Mrode, Okeyo A. Mwai, Mizeck G. Chagunda 2023 Article
Estimated enteric methane production from cattle and small ruminants fed on diets with tropical legume forages Cuban journal of agricultural science; 57, 1 - 25; Instituto de Ciencia Animal J. M. Castro-Montoya, Mizeck Chagunda 2023 Article
Genetic and non-genetic factors influencing KLH binding natural antibodies and specific antibody response to Newcastle disease in Kenyan chicken populations Journal of animal breeding and genetics; 140(1), 106 - 120; John Wiley & Sons Sophie Miyumo, Chrilukovian B. Wasike, Evans D. Ilatsia, Jörn Bennewitz, Mizeck G. Chagunda 2023 Article
Genetic and phenotypic correlations among feed efficiency, immune and production traits in indigenous chicken of Kenya Frontiers in genetics; 13, 1 - 13; Frontiers Media Sophie A. Miyumo, Chrilukovian B. Wasike, Evans D. Ilatsia, Jorn Bennewitz, Mizeck G. G. Chagunda 2023 Article
Potential for quantifying general environmental resilience of dairy cattle in sub-Saharan Africa using deviations in milk yield Frontiers in animal science; 4, 1 - 14; Frontiers Media Richard D. Oloo, Raphael Mrode, Jörn Bennewitz, Chinyere C. Ekine-Dzivenu, Julie M. Ojango, Gebregziabher Gebreyohanes, Okeyo A. Mwai, Mizeck Chagunda 2023 Article
Public awareness, attitude and empathy regarding the management of surplus dairy calves Journal of agricultural and environmental ethics; 36(11), 1 - 18; Wolters Kluwer Mareike Herrler, Mizeck G. G. Chagunda, Nanette Stroebele-Benschop 2023 Article
Response to hormonal treatment and conception rates of Sahiwal cows subjected to fixed time artificial insemination in pastoral dairy systems Tropical animal health and production; 55(1), 1 - 8; Springer Nature T. M. Magothe, D. K. Mwangi, C. B. Wasike, R. W. Waineina, S. A. Miyumo, S. I. Mwangi, E. D. Ilatsia 2023 Article
Sustainable development outlooks to subsistent apiculture in a transition: the case of Ethiopia Journal of apicultural research & bee world; 62(4), 730 - 740; Taylor & Francis Teweldemedhn Gebretinsae Hailu, Mizeck Chagunda, Peter Rosenkranz 2023 Article
Assessment of seasonal variation in methane emissions of Mediterranean buffaloes using a laser methane detector Animals; 12(24), 1 - 13; MDPI Lydia Lanzoni, Mizeck G. G. Chagunda, Isa Fusaro, Matteo Chincarini, Melania Giammarco, Alberto Stanislao Atzori, Michele Podaliri, Giorgio Vignola 2022 Article
Associations among body energy status, feeding duration and activity with respect to diet energy and protein content in housed dairy cows The journal of dairy research; 89(2), 128 - 133; Cambridge University Press Liveness Jessica Banda, Mizeck Gift Gibson Chagunda, Cheryl Joy Ashworth, David John Roberts 2022 Article
Connected cows and cyber chickens? Agricultural systems; 196, 1 - 13; Elsevier Thomas Daum, Thanammal Ravichandran, Juliet Kariuki, Mizeck Chagunda, Regina Birner 2022 Article
Does the gender of farmers matter for improving small ruminant productivity? Small ruminant research; 206,  - ; Elsevier Juliet Kariuki, Alessandra Galie, Regina Birner, Edwin Oyieng, Mizeck G.G. Chagunda, Samwel Jakinda, Duncan Milia, Julie M.K. Ojango 2022 Article
From a documented past of the Jersey breed in Africa to a profit index linked future Frontiers in genetics; 13, 1 - 20; Frontiers Media Oluyinka Opoola, Felicien Shumbusho, David Hambrook, Sam Thomson, Harvey Dai, Mizeck G. G. Chagunda, Jude L. Capper, Dominic Moran, Raphael Mrode, Appolinaire Djikeng 2022 Article
Measurement duration but not distance, angle, and neighbour-proximity affects precision in enteric methane emissions when using the laser methane detector technique in lactating dairy cows Animals; 12(10), 1 - 9; MDPI Raphaël Boré, Thiphaine Bruder, Mohammed El Jabri, Margaret March, Paul R. Hargreaves, Benoît Rouillé, Richard J. Dewhurst, Mizeck G. G. Chagunda 2022 Article
Breeding strategies for improving smallholder dairy cattle productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa Journal of animal breeding and genetics; 138(6), 668 - 687; John Wiley & Sons Aluna R. Chawala, Enrique Sanchez-Molano, Richard J. Dewhurst, Andrew Peters, Mizeck Chagunda, Georgios Banos 2021 Article
Genetic analysis of lifetime productivity traits in goats Archives animal breeding; 64(2), 293 - 304; Copernicus Publications Marie-Rosa Wolber, Henning Hamann, Pera Herold 2021 Article
Morphology, adipocyte size, and fatty acid analysis of dairy cattle digital cushions, and the effect of body condition score and age Journal of dairy science; 104(5), 6238 - 6252; Elsevier R.F. Newsome, A. Mostyn, J.P. Wilson, A. Alibhai, N. Bollard, L. Randall, M.G.G. Chagunda, C.J. Sturrock, M. Keane, M. Green, J.N. Huxley, C.S. Rutland, R. F. Newsome 2021 Article
Does backyard-keeping of native sows by smallholders in Quezon, Philippines, offer sustainability benefits compared to more intensive management of exotic sow breeds? Journal of agriculture and rural development in the tropics and subtropics; 121(1), 43 - 55; Universität Kassel Philipp C. Muth, Inga K. Pöhlmann, Sangeun Bae, Christoph Reiber, Orville L. Bondoc, Anne Valle Zárate 2020 Article
Enhancing knowledge exchange and performance recording through use of short messaging service in smallholder dairy farming systems in Malawi Cogent food & agriculture; 6(1), 1 - 9; Taylor & Francis Daniel Chiumia, Timothy N. Gondwe, Liveness J. Banda, S. N. Sivaselvam, Susanne E. Ulbrich, Mizeck G.G. Chagunda 2020 Article
How information communication technology can enhance evidence-based decisions and farm-to-fork animal traceability for livestock farmers The ScientificWorld journal; 1 - 12 G. Mwanga, E. Mbega, Z. Yonah, M.G.G. Chagunda 2020 Article
Joint genetic analysis for dairy cattle performance across countries in sub-Saharan Africa South African journal of animal science; 50(4), 507 - 520; University of Fort Hare O. Opoola, G. Banos, J.M.K. Ojango, R. Mrode, G. Simm, C.B. Banga, L.M. Beffa, M.G.G. Chagunda 2020 Article
Machine learning models for predicting the use of different animal breeding services in smallholder dairy farms in Sub-Saharan Africa Tropical animal health and production; 5(3), S. 1081 - 1091; Springer Nature G. Mwanga, S. Lockwood, D.F.N. Mujibi, Z. Yonah, Mizeck Chagunda, Gladness Mwanga 2020 Article
Phenomics and its potential impact on livestock development in low-income countries Animal frontiers; 10(2), 6 - 11; American Society of Animal Science Raphael Mrode, Chinyere Ekine Dzivenu, Karen Marshall, Mizeck Gift Gibson Chagunda, Bridgit Syombua Muasa, Julie Ojango, Ally Mwai Okey 2020 Article
Status quo und Determinanten der Kälbervermarktung von ökologischen und konventionellen Milchviehbetrieben in Baden-Württemberg Züchtungskunde; 92(5), 320 - 338; Verlag Eugen Ulmer C. Reiber, M. Wollmeister, T. Sommer, M.G.G. Chagunda 2020 Article
Current situations of animal data recording, dairy improvement infrastructure, human capacity and strategic issues affecting dairy production in sub-Saharan Africa Tropical animal health and production; 51(6), 1699 - 1705; Springer Nature O. Opoola, R. Mrode, G. Banos, J. Ojango, C. Banga, G. Simm, M.G.G. Chagunda 2019 Article
Durch- und Dauermelken bei Milchziegen Züchtungskunde; 91(2), S. 129 - 140; Verlag Eugen Ulmer Marie-Rosa Wolber, Henning Hamann, Pera Herold 2019 Article
Farmer-preferred traits in smallholder dairy farming systems in Tanzania Tropical animal health and production; 41(6), S. 1337 - 1344; Springer Nature A.R. Chawala, G. Banos, A. Peters, M.G.G. Chagunda, Mizeck Chagunda, A. R. Chawala 2019 Article
Suitability of dual-purpose cockerels of 3 different genetic origins for fattening under free-range conditions Poultry science; 98(12), 6564 - 6571; Elsevier Alexandr Torres, Philipp C. Muth, Juan Capote, Covadonga Rodríguez, Maria Fresno, Anne Valle Zárate 2019 Article
Multi-country investigation of factors influencing breeding decisions by smallholder dairy farmers in sub-Saharan Africa Tropical animal health and production;  - ; Springer Nature G. Mwanga, F. D. N. Mujibi, Z. O. Yonah, M. G. G. Chagunda 2018 Article
Robustness and sensitivity of a blueprint for on-farm estimation of dairy cow energy balance Journal of dairy science; 101(7), 1 - 17; Elsevier V. M. Thorup, M. G. G. Chagunda, A. Fischer, M. R. Weisbjerg, N. C. Friggens 2018 Article
Use of High Density Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Arrays to Assess Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Dairy Cattle in Smallholder Dairy Systems: The Case of Girinka Programme in Rwanda Frontiers in genetics;  - ; Frontiers Media M. G. Chagunda, F. D. N. Mujibi, T. Dusingizimana, O. Kamana, E. Cheruiyot, O. A. Mwai 2018 Article
Discriminating the quality of local pork from crossbred pork from extensive production of ethnic minorities in mountainous northern Vietnam Journal of agriculture and rural development in the tropics and subtropics; 118/1, 45 - 57; Universität Kassel P. C. Muth, A. Markemann, L. T. T. Huyen, Valle Zárate 2017 Article
Párametros de crecimiento de pollos de doble propósito de differentes líneras genéticas / Comparison of growth performance of dual-purpose cockerels of different genetic strains Actas Iberoamericanas de conservación animal; 10, 117 - 121; Edita Red CONBIAND A. Torres, A. Valle Zárate 2017 Article
Pollos Camperos Canarios: un pasado y futuro de doble propósito Agropalca; 36, 29 - 29; Palca A. Torres, A. Valle Zárate 2017 Article
Production objectives, trait and breed preferences of farmers keeping N'Dama, Fulani Zebu and crossbred cattle and implications for breeding programs Animal; 687 - 695; Elsevier S. A. Traore, A. Markemann, C. Reiber, H. P. Piepho, A. Valle-Zárate 2017 Article
Sow efficiency and early piglet mortality in two local pig breeds on smallholder farms in northern Vietnam - a longitudinal study Tropical animal health and production;  - ; Springer Nature P. C. Muth, L. T. T. Huyen, Valle Zárate 2017 Article
Tailoring slaughter weight of indigenous Vietnamese Ban pigs for the requirements of urban high-end niche markets NJAS; 80, 27 - 36; Taylor & Francis P. C. Muth, L. T. T. Huyen, A. Markemann, Valle Zárate 2017 Article
Combining revealed and stated preferences to define goat breeding objectives in Ethiopia Livestock science; 191, 179 - 186; Elsevier T. Woldu, A. Markemann, C. Reiber, G. T. Kassie, A. Valle Zárate 2016 Article
Impact of projects initiating group marketing of smallholder farmers - A case study of pig producer marketing groups in Vietnam Journal of co-operative organization and management; 4(1), 31 - 41; Elsevier K. Schöll, A. Markemann, B. Megersa, R. Birner, A. Valle Zárate 2016 Article
Optimizing contributions of goat farming to household economic success and food security in three production systems in Ethiopia Journal of agriculture and rural development in the tropics and subtropics; 117, 73 - 85; Universität Kassel T. Woldu, A. Markemann, C. Reiber, P. C. Muth, A. Valle Zárate 2016 Article
Drinking water sources, availability, quality, access and utilization for goats in the Karak Governorate, Jordan Tropical animal health and production; 47(1), 163 - 169; Springer Nature J. Al-Khazaleh, C. Reiber, Al Baqain 2015 Article
The role of livestock diversification in ensuring household food security under a changing climate in Borana, Ethiopia Food security; 6(1), 15 - 28; Springer Nature B. M. Bati, A. Markemann, A. Angassa, A. Valle Zárate 2014 Article
Beef cattle keeping by smallholders in a mountainous province of northern Vietnam in relation to poverty status, community remoteness and ethnicity Animal production science; 53(2), 163 - 172; CSIRO Publishing L. T. T. Huyen, D. T. T. Van, A. Markemann, P. Herold, Valle Zárate 2013 Article
Definition nutzerspezifischer Zuchtziele für Braunvieh und Hinterwälder Rind in Baden-Württemberg Züchtungskunde; 3, 173 - 187; Verlag Eugen Ulmer R. Roessler, P. Herold, A. Weidele, Valle Zárate 2013 Article
Development of organisation and planning in animal breeding: II. A review on breeding planning Archiv Tierzucht; 55(5), 519 - 531; Copernicus Publications P. Herold, R. Rößler, H. Momm, Valle Zárate 2012 Article
Effect of feed supplements on dry season milk yield and profitability of crossbred cows in Honduras Tropical animal health and production; 45(5), 1131 - 1138; Springer Nature C. Reiber, M. Peters, J. Möhring, R. Schultze-Kraft 2012 Article
Organisation of breeding under difficult framework conditions - the case of smallholder pig breeding in mountainous areas in Northwest Vietnam Archiv Tierzucht; 55(6), 590 - 602; Copernicus Publications R. Roessler, P. Herold, H. Momm, Valle Zárate 2012 Article
Group-based Learning in an Authoritarian Setting? Novel Extension Approaches in Vietnam’s Northern Upland The journal of agricultural education and extension; 17(1), 85 - 98; Taylor & Francis I. Schad, R. Roessler, A. Neef, A. Valle Zárate, V. Hoffmann 2011 Article
Promotion and adoption of silage technologies in drought-constrained areas of Honduras Tropical grasslands; 44, 231 - 245; Tropical Grassland Society of Australia C. Reiber, R. Schultze-Kraft, M. Peters, P. Lentes, V. Hoffmann 2010 Article
Breeding indigenous cattle resources for beef production in Sub-Saharan Africa Outlook on agriculture; 38(4),  - ; SAGE Publications T. O. Rewe, P. Herold, H.-P. Piepho, A. K. Kahi, Valle Zárate 2009 Article
Pig production in Vietnam - a review CAB reviews; 3(23), 1 - 15; CAB International U. Lemke, M. Mergenthaler, R. Rößler, L. T. T. Huyen, P. Herold, B. Kaufmann, Valle Zárate 2008 Article
Growth, carcass and meat quality parameters of purebred and crossbred goat kids in extensive pasture Archiv Tierzucht; 50(2),  - ; Copernicus Publications P. Herold, H. Snell, E. S. Tawfik 2007 Article
Aspects pratiques en élevage d'aulacode (Thryonomys swinderianus). VI. Mesures préventives contre la mauvaise usure des incisives Revue d'élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux; 49(4), 341 - 346; Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement G. A. Mensah, A. Schwarzenberg, C.-H. Stier, T. Kangni, C. F. Gall 1996 Article
Genetic and phenotypic correlations among feed efficiency,immune and production traits in indigenous chicken of Kenya Frontiers in Genetics. ; 13, 1-13; Frontiers Media Sophie A. Miyumo, Chrilukovian B. Wasike, Evans D. Ilatsia, Jorn Bennewitz and Mizeck G. G. Chagunda  2023 Article 
Public Awareness, Attitude and Empathy Regarding the Management of Surplus Dairy Calves.  Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics ; 36(11), 1-18; Kluwer Mareike Herrler, Mizeck G. G. Chagunda, Nanette Stroebele-Benschop  2023 Article 
Connected cows and cyber chickens? : Stocktaking and case studies of digital livestock tools in Kenya and India Agricultural systems; 196, 1-13; Elvesier Daum, Thomas 2022 Article 
Genetic and non-genetic factors influencing KLH binding natural antibodies and specific antibody response to Newcastle disease in Kenyan chicken populations.  Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics; 140, 106-120 Miyumo, S., Wasike, C. B., Ilatsia, E. D., Bennewitz, J., & Chagunda, M. G. 2022 Article 
Breeding strategies for improving smallholder dairy cattle productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Journal of animal breeding and genetics; 138(6), 668-687 Chawala, A.L.; Sanchez-Molano, E.; Dewhurst, D.J.; Peters, A.; Chagunda, M.G.G.; Banos, G.  2021 Article 
Does the gender of farmers matter for improving small ruminant productivity? A Kenyan case study.  Small Ruminant Research; 206 Kariuki,J., Galie,A., Birner,R., Oyieng,E., Chagunda,M.G.G., Jakinda,S., Milia,D., and Ojango,J.M.K.  2021 Article 
 Phenomics and its potential impact on livestock development in low income countries: 1 Innovative applications of emerging related digital technology. Animal Frontiers; 10(2), 6-11; ASAS Mrode, R., Dzivenu, C.E., Marshall, K., Chagunda, M.G.G., Muasa, B.S., Ojango, J., and Okeyo, A.M.  2020 Article 
Enhancing knowledge exchange and performance recording through use of short messaging service in smallholder dairy farming systems in Malawi. Cogent food & agricultur; 6(1), 1-9; Taylor & Francis Chiumia, D., Gondwe, T.N., Banda, L.J., Sivaselvam, S.N., Ulbrich, S.E., and Chagunda, M.G.G. 2020 Article 
How Information Communication Technology Can EnhanceEvidence-Based Decisions and Farm-to-Fork AnimalTraceability for Livestock Farmers The Scientific World Journal;  Mwanga, G., Mbega, E, Yonah, Z., and Chagunda, M.G.G. 2020 Article 
Joint genetic analysis for dairy cattle performance across countries in sub-Saharan Africa. SASAS South African Society of Animal Science; 50(4), 507-520; Hatfield Opoola, O., Banos, G., Ojango, J.M.K., Mrode, R., Simm, G., Banga, C.B., Beffa, L.M., and Chagunda, M.G.G. 2020 Article 
Machine learning models for predicting the use of different animal breeding services in smallholder dairy farms in Sub-Saharan Africa. Tropical Animal health and Production; 52(3), 1081-1091; Springer Science Mwanga, G., Lockwood, S., Mujibi, D.F.N., Yonah, Z., and Chagunda, M.G.G. 2020 Article 
Current situations of animal data recording dairy improvement infrastructure, human capacity and strategic issues affecting dairy production in sub-Saharan Africa Tropical Animal health and Production; 51(6), 1699-1705; Springer Science Opoola, O., Mrode, R., Banos, G., Ojango, J., Banga, C., Simm, G., and Chagunda, M.G.G. 2019 Article 
Farmer-preferred traits in smallholder dairy farming systems in Tanzania. Tropical Animal health and Production.; 41(6), 1337-1344; Springer Science Chawala, A.R., Banos, G., Peters, A., and Chagunda, M.G.G. 2019 Article 
A comparison of milk yields and methane production from three contrasting high-yielding dairy cattle feeding regimes: Cut- and curry, partial grazing and total mixed ration.  Grass Forage Science; 73(3), 789-797; Wiley-Blackwell Cameron, L., Chagunda, M.G.G., Roberts, D.J., and Lee, M.A. 2018 Article 
Contribution of cattle of different breeds to household food security in southern Mali. Food Security; 10(3), 549-560; Springer Netherlands Traoré, S. A., Reiber, C., Megersa, B., & Zárate, A. V. 2018 Article
Heterosis in cattle crossbreeding shemes in tropical regions: meta-analysis of effects of breed combination, trait type, and climate on level of heterosis Journal of Animal Science; 97(1), 29-34; Oxford University Press Bunning, H., Wall, E., Chagunda, M.G.G., Banos, G., and Simm, G. 2018 Article 
Multi-country investigation of factors infleuencing breeding decisions by smallholder dairy farmers in sub-Saharan Africa Tropical Animal health and Productio; 51(2), 395-409; Springer Science Mwanga, G., Mujibi, F.D.N., Yonah, Z.O., and Chagunda, M.G.G 2018 Article 
Productive and economic performance of endemic N`Dama cattle in southern Mali compared to Fulani Zebu and their crossbreds.  Livestock Science; 209,  77-85; Elsevier Science Traoré, S.A., Reiber, C., and Valle Zárate, A. 2018 Article
Robustness and sensitivity of a blueprint for on-farm estimation of dairy cow energy balance. Journal of Dairy Scienc; 101(7), 6002-6018; Elsevier Thorup, V.M., Chagunda, M.G.G., Fischer, A., Weisbjerg, M.R., and Friggens, N.C. 2018 Article 
Selecting for improved feed efficiency and reduces methane emissions in dairy cattle Animal; 12(2), 336-349; Elsevier Lovendahl, P., Difford, G.F., Chagunda, M.G.G., Huhtanen, P., Lidauer, M.H., Lassen, J., and Lund, P. 2018 Article 
Use of high density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays to assess genetic diversity and population structure of dairy cattle in smallholder dairy systems: The case of Girinka programme in Rwanda. Frontiers in Genetics; 9; Frontiers Media Chagunda, M.G.G., Mujibi, F.D.N., Dusingizimana, T., Kamana, O., Cheruiyot, E., and Mwai, O.A 2018 Article 

Other Publications

Title In: Authors Year Type
Status-Quo und Perspektiven von Zweinutzungshühnern in Baden-Württemberg: Ergebnisse eines World-Cafés im Rahmen des 1. Dialogforums des Projektes "ZweiWert" am 2.3.2023 Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Agrarpolitik und Landwirtschaftliche Marktlehre Gabriela Bermejo, Annik Imort-Just, Beate Gebhardt, Sebastian Hess, Lukas Kiefer, Sabine Zikeli 2023 Working paper/research report
Züchterische Standortbestimmung - eine neue Methode für die Zuchtberatung 75 - 76; Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft Marie-Rosa Wolber, Andreas Kern, Maria Lotter, Pera Herold 2023 Conference paper
Zweinutzungshuhn - was ist das?  - ; Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Agrarpolitik und Landwirtschaftliche Marktlehre Beate Gebhardt, Gabriela Bermejo, Annik Imort-Just, Lukas Kiefer, Sabine Zikeli, Sebastian Hess 2023 Working paper/research report
 Livestock phenomics and genetic evaluation approaches in Africa: current state and future perspectives.  Frontiers in Genetics. ;  Isidore Houaga, Raphael Mrode, Oluyinka Opoola, Mizeck G. G. Chagunda, Okeyo A. Mwai, John E. O. Rege, Victor E. Olori, Oyekanmi Nash, Cuthbert B. Banga,Tobias O. Okeno and Appolinaire Djikeng  2023 Article 
Ein großes Herz für Kälber Südkurier Nr.124; 124 Sandra Markert  2023 Article 
Kälberqualität Kälber nicht unter Wert verkaufen Elite Magazin.;  Silvia Lehnert, Josephine Gresham  2023 Article 
Minor livestock species for food production in Africa, zoonotic diseases, and One Heath. Bio-Geosphere Africa  BioGARD; ; Stuttgart, Germany Oguche. M, Potthast. T, Giese. M, Kariuki. J, Schopp. K and Chagunda. M  2023 Conference
Opportunities to quantify resilience of dairy cattle to environmental stressors in sub-Saharan Africa ILRI Research Report 113; 113; Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI Oloo, R.D., Ekine-Dzivenu, C.C., Ojango, J.M.K., Gebreyohanes, G., Mrode, R., Okeyo, A.M. and Chagunda, M.G.G.  2023 Report
Potential for quantifying general environmental resilience of dairy cattloe in sub-Saharan Africa using deviations in milk yield Frontiers in animal science.; ; Frontiers Media Richard D. Oloo, Raphael Mrode, Jörn Bennewitz, Chinyere C. Ekine-Dzivenu, Julie M. K. Ojango, Gebregziabher Gebreyohanes, Okeyo A. Mwai and Mizeck G. G. Chagunda1 2023 Article
Redefining frameworks for animal welfare, ethics, and trade-offs in non-conventional livestock species production: The case of Cameroon.  Tropentag 2023; ; Berlin, Germany Oguche. M, Schopp. K, Kariuki. J, Potthast. T, Shemlon. G, Kouam. J.S, Etchu. K, Mekongo. U, Teguia. A, Niba. A.T, Meutchieye. F and Chagunda. M  2023 Conference
Value-adding attributes for dairy calves within local beef sectors - perceptions among stakeholders.  74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), ; 74; Lyon, France Schönfeldt, L., Stroebele-Benschop, N., Chagunda, M. G. G.  2023 Conference
 Assessment of natural (KLH) antibodies and specific (Newcastle disease) antibodies in local chicken of Kenya 279 - 279; Cuvillier Verlag Sophie Miyumo, Chrilukovian Wasike, Evans Ilatsia, Mizeck Chagunda 2022 Meeting Abstract
Connections among local nomenclature, phenotypes and genetic characteristics of native chickens in Cambodia 1 - 4; Wageningen Academic Publishers Phem Menghak, Mizeck G. G. Chagunda 2022 Conference paper
Das Potenzial der teilmobilen Schlachtung von Rindern im Herkunftsbetrieb  - ; Selbstverlag Johannes Zeidler 2022 Monography
Das Sundheimer Huhn 165 - 169; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Züchtungskunde (DGfZ) David Kohnke, Tobias Rentschler, Wilhelm Pflanz, Mizeck Chagunda 2022 Conference paper
Do African livestock policies address sustainability trade-offs?  - ; University of Hohenheim Juliet Kariuki, Viviane Yameogo, Thomas Daum, Regina Birner, Mizeck Chagunda 2022 Working paper/research report
Genetic structure and diversity of Jersey dairy cattle in Rwanda 1 - 4; Wageningen Academic Publishers O. Opoola, F. Shumbusho, R. Mrode, D. Hambrook, M.G.G. Chagunda, D. Moran, A. Djikeng 2022 Conference paper
Harmonising views of farmers and academia on paradigm shifts towards diversification in African agricultural systems 472 - 473; Cuvillier Verlag Marcus Giese, Juliet Kariuki, Christian Hülsebusch, Katrin Winkler, Oliver Wasonga, Lutta Alphayo, Maria Oguche 2022 Meeting Abstract
Suitability of methods for assessing the sustainability of agroecological transition-dynamics in crop-livestock-tree farming systems 297 - 297; Cuvillier Verlag Thuy Dinh, Mizeck Chagunda, Juliet Kariuki 2022 Meeting Abstract
Comparative analysis of variation in humoral immunity, production, fitness and feed efficiency traits in chicken performing in the tropical environment 234 - 235; Cuvillier Verlag Sophie Miyumo, Chrilukovian Wasike, Evans Ilatsia, Joen Bennewitz, Mizeck Chagunda 2022 Meeting Abstract
Effect of exoticness and agroecological zones on selected production and fertility traits in multibreed dairy cattle in Kenya 244 - 244; Cuvillier Verlag Richard Dooso Oloo, Chinyere Ekine-Dzivenu, Julie Ojango, Raphael Mrode, Ali Mwai Okeyo, Mizeck Chagunda 2022 Meeting Abstract
Potential of integrating organic livestock production in already certified organic crop production systems in the tropics 256 - 256; Cuvillier Verlag Aida Tesfaye, Christoph Reiber, Mizeck Chagunda 2022 Meeting Abstract
Towards a paradigm shift in livestock production in Africa 294 - 294; Cuvillier Verlag Maria Oguche, Regina Birner, Juliet Kariuki 2022 Meeting Abstract
Trade-offs and synergies between livestock intensification and emergence of zoonotic diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa 318 - 318; Cuvillier Verlag Sarah Schmidt, Christoph Reiber, Regina Birner, Mizeck Chagunda 2022 Meeting Abstract
Assessment of Seasonal Variation in Methane Emissions of Mediterranean Buffaloes Using a Laser Methane Detector.  MDPI Animals ;  Lydia Lanzoni, Mizeck G. G. Chagunda, Isa Fusaro , Matteo Chincarini, Melania Giammarco, Alberto Stanislao Atzori, Michele Podaliri and Giorgio Vignola  2022 Article 
Aufbau einer Zuchtpopulation am Beispiel des Sundheimer Huhns Bioland-GeflügelMeeting;  Kohnke, D., Imort-Just, A., Rentschler, T., Pflanz, W., Chagunda, M.  2022 Meeting
Badische Rasse für den Ökolandbau Badische Bauerzeitung ; 11 Kohnke, D., Imort-Just, A., Chagunda, M.  2022 Article 
Building resilience in human nutrition through human capital development in animal breeding on the African continent AU Echo Annual report;  Mizeck G. G. Chagunda  2022 Report
Das Sundheimer Huhn - eine Zweinutungsrasse aus Baden-Württemberg.  Nationaler Kongress zur Zucht und Erhaltung alter und bedrohter einheimischer Nutztierrassen; 165-169; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Züchtungskunde e.V. Kohnke, D., Rentschler, T., Pflanz, W., & Chagunda, M.  2022 Article 
Effects of breed exoticness, agro-ecological zone and their interaction on production and fertility traits of multibreed dairy cattle in Kenya ILRI Research Report ; 101; Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI Oloo, R.D., Ekine-Dzivenu, C.C., Ojango, J.M.K., Mrode, R., Chagunda, M.G.G. and Okeyo, A.M.  2022 Report
Huhn und Hahn für Bio-Höfe - Zweinutzungstiere im Praxistest. Bioland-Magazin; 2 Kaiser, A., Hörning, B., Kohnke, D., Imort-Just, A., Chagunda, M.  2022 Article 
Jersey Cattle in Africa From the Breed's Documented Past to a Profit Index-Linked Future Published in report form for the 2021 African Jersey Forum Virtual Conference;  Opoola,O., Shumbusho,F., Hambrook, D., ,T.S., Harvey,D., Chagunda,M.G.G., Capper.J.L., Moran,D., Mrode,R., and Djikeng,A.  2022 Report
Suitability of methods for assessing the sustainability of agroecological transitions-dynamics in crop-livestock-tree systems Tropentag 2022; ; Cuvillier Verlag Thuy, D., Kariuki.J, Chagunda, M.G.G.  2022 Conference
Testing phenotypes for degree of resilience using fluctuations in milk yield of dairy cows in sub-Saharan Africa 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), ;  Oloo, R.D., Ekine-Dzivenu, C.C., Ojango, J.M.K., Mrode, R., Okeyo, A.M. and Chagunda, M.G.G.  2022 Conference Paper
The adoption potential of extended lactation as a strategy to reduce excess calf numbers in dairy farming 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science ; ; Porto, Portugal Gresham, J., Reiber, C., Chagunda, M.G.G.  2022 Conference
Connected cows and cyber chickens?: stocktaking and case studies of digital livestock tools in Kenya and India  - ; Social and Institutional Change in Agricultural Development, Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics (Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute), Universität Hohenheim Thomas Daum, Thanammal Ravichandran, Juliet Kariuki, Mizeck Chagunda, Regina Birner 2021 Working paper/research report
First assessment of methane emission in Mediterranean Buffaloes with a smart tool: preliminary results. Proceedings of the 2nd International Electronic Conference on Animals - Global Sustainability and Animals: Welfare, Policies and Technologies, 29 November–13 December 2021; ; MDPI: Basel, Switzerland Lanzoni, L.; Chincarini, M.; Del Rosso, S.; Ferri, N.; Chagunda, M.; Vignola, G.   2021 Conference
Production performance of dairy cows offered rumen-protected (calcium salt) fat supplements differing in proportion of palmitic and oleic fatty acids.  Animal-science proceedings; 12(1), 95 Flockhart, J., Chagunda, M., Kirkland, R., Bagnall, A. and Newbold, J.  2021 0
The African Animal Breeding Network (AABNet): Towards transforming the African livestock development outlook ICAR-Interbull Meeting;  Djikeng A, Mrode R,, Rege EO, Okeyo AM, Aggrey S, Chagunda M, Gondwe T, Olori V, Okeno T and Kahi A.  2021 0
Untersuchung von Laktationsstruktur, Nutzungsdauer und Lebensleistung für die Entwicklung eines nachhaltigen Zuchtprogramms für Milchziegen im ökologischen Landbau  - ; Selbstverlag Marie-Rosa Wolber 2020 Monography
Hand-held laser methane detector to determine methane plume concentrations from ruminants Ministry for Primary Industries; ;  In: A. Jonker and G.C. Waghorn Jonker, A., Chagunda, M.G.G., Grobler, M., Waghorn, G.C., van Wyngaard, J.D.  2020 Book Chapter
Towards a better understanding of breeding objectives and production performance of dairy cattle in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. CABI Reviews; 15; CABI Chawala, A.R., Mwai, O.A., Peters, A., Banos, G., and Chagunda, M.G.G. 2020 Article 
Effekte verschiedener Aufzuchtmethoden von Ziegen auf Gesundheits-, Leistungs- und Verhaltensparameter  - ; Verlag Dr. Köster Mizeck Chagunda, Isolde Plakolm, Christoph Reiber 2019 Article
Lebenseffizienz bei Braun- und Fleckvieh: Untersuchungen am Merkmalskomplex Fleisch  - ; Ulmer David Kohnke, Henning Hamann, Pera Herold 2019 Article
Ökologische und konventionelle Milchviehhaltung im Vergleich: Haltungsbedingungen, Tierwohlindikatoren und Leistung von Fleckvieh und Holstein Kühen  - ; Verlag Dr. Köster Valle Zárate, Philipp Baisch, Christoph Reiber, Mizeck Chagunda, Anne Valle Zárate 2019 Article
Year round feed and fodder availability in smallholder dairy farms across high and low altitude areas in Eastern Africa 178 - 178; Cuvillier Verlag Patrick Ongadi Mudavadi, Ben Lukuyu, Emmanuel Abaraham Mpolya, Minn Wang, Mizeck Chagunda, Derseh Malkamu, Adie Aberra, Endalkachew Woldemeskel 2019 Meeting Abstract
Assessment of genetic diversity and population sturcture of dairy cattle in the Girinka Programme in Rwanda by using high density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays  -  M. G. Chagunda, T. Dusingizimana, O. Kamana, E. Cheruiyot, F. D. N. Mujibi, O. A. Mwai 2018 Anthology
Modelling crossbreeding in African cattle  -  H. Bunning, G. Simm, E. Wall, M. Chagunda, G. Banos, P. Amer 2018 Anthology
Párametros de crecimiento de pollos de doble propósito de differentes líneras genéticas 167 - 167 A. Torres, A. Valle Zárate 2017 Konferenzpaper
Zweinutzungshuhn - Königsweg oder Sackgasse? Landinfo; 48 - 50; Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Ernährung und Ländlichen Raum (LEL) S. Zikeli, K. Schiffer-Weigand, P. Herold, S. Rautenschlein, S. Weigend 2017 Article
Breeding for resistance to nematode infections in organic goat production in Germany - A way forward? 442 - 443; Verlag Dr. Köster P. C. Muth, G. Tietgens, I. Pöhlmann, C. Reiber, Valle Zárate 2017 Anthology
Effect of drought adaptation strategies on goat performance in NE-Brazil  - ; Cuvillier Verlag C. Reiber, S. Oliveria 2017 Anthology
Balancing extensive goat production and conservation interests in the Caatinga rangeland resource.  - ; Cuvillier Verlag C. Reiber, M. Siemann, S. Oliveira 2016 Anthology
Contribution of different cattle breed groups to households food security in southern Mali  -  S. Traoré, C. Reiber, B. Mergessa, Valle Zárate 2016 Conference paper
New management approaches for silvopastoralism and agriculture in semiarid areas. Topic 6: Integrated ESS, Biodiversity and Agrobiodiversity.  -  C. Reiber, A. Cierjacks, K. Schulz, M. Guschal, S. Oliveira 2016 Conference paper
Perspektiven für Zweinutzung Ökologie & Landbau; 177, 39 - 39; Oekom-Verlag P. Herold, De Craigher 2016 Article
Farmers innovations in livestock production systems in Pernambuco, Brazil  -  Da Costa, R. M. G. von Gehlen, C. Reiber, Valle Zárate 2015 Anthology
Implicit prices of goat traits in three production systems of Ethiopia: a choice model approach  -  T. Woldu, A. Markemann, C. Reiber, Valle Zárate 2015 Anthology
Meat research for market development for indigenous pork produced by smallholders in Son La, Vietnam  -  P. C. Muth, L. T. T. Huyen, A. Markemann, Valle Zárate 2015 Conference paper
Motivation for cooperative group membership of local pig producers in the northern mountains of Vietnam and their response to market changes  -  L. T. T. Huyen, P. C. Muth, K. Schöll, A. Markemann, Valle Zárate 2015 Conference paper
Winners and Losers: Application of the ‘Politicised’ Institutional Analysis Framework to Market-based Conservation Schemes in Kenya  -  J. Kariuki, S. Chomba, R. Birner 2015 Conference paper
Farmers' perception of water availability for goat production in southern Jordan  -  J. Al-Khazaleh, C. Reiber, Valle Zárate 2014 Conference Poster
Functional meat quality and color of chicken thighs as influenced by genetic growth potential and age  -  P. C. Muth, Valle Zárate 2014 Scientific lecture slides
Impacts of climate change on cattle production and linkage with food insecurity in a pastoral region of East Africa  -  B. M. Bati, A. Markemann, A. Ayana, J. O. Ogutu, H. Piepho, A. Valle Zárate 2014 Conference paper
Risk perception of cattle keepers in Southern Mali  -  S. Traoré, C. Reiber, A. Markemann, Valle Zárate 2014 Conference Poster
Socio-economic determinants affecting the farm income of small fruit producers in NE-Brazil  - ; Deutsches Institut für tropische und subtropische Landwirtschaft (DITSL) H. Hagel, C. Reiber, R. Doluschitz, Ferreira Irmão 2014 Anthology
Access to Livestock Information and Other Financial Services.  -  J. Njuki, J. Kariuki, S. Mburu 2013 Anthology
Adoption of forage conservation technologies and their impact on livestock production in Honduras 112,  - ; Margraf Publishers C. Reiber 2013 Monography
Determinants of sow efficiency and longevity for two local pig breeds in North-western Vietnam  -  P. C. Muth, A. Markemann, L. T. T. Huyen, Valle Zárate 2013 Scientific lecture slides
Insights into the background of instrumental chicken breast meat colour as revealed by PLSR 69,  -  P. C. Muth, Valle Zárate 2013 Anthology
Lessons from silage adoption studies in Honduras  -  C. Reiber, R. Schultze-Kraft, M. Peters, V. Hoffmann 2013 Conference paper
Greening livestock: Assessing the potential of payment for environmental services in livestock inclusive agricultural production systems in developing countries.  -  S. Silvestri, P. Osano, J. Leeuw, M. Herrero, P. Ericksen, J. Kariuki, J. Njuki, C. Bedelian, A. Notenbaert 2012 Working paper/research report
Identification of a suitable farm type for the development of smallholder beef production in a mountainous province of northern Vietnam  -  L. T. T. Huyen, D. T. T. Van, P. Herold, Valle Zárate 2011 Conference paper
Impact of ALRMPII on emergency responses to drought  -  Z. Sharif, N. Johnson, J. Kariuki, J. Njuki 2011 Working paper/research report
Impacts of ALRMPII on access to social services in ASAL communities  -  A. Wambile, J. Kariuki, N. Johnson, K. Jakobsen, J. Njuki 2011 Working paper/research report
Competition of cattle production with other livestock within smallholder mixed farms in northern mountains of Vietnam depending on household poverty levels 40 - 41 L. T. T. Huyen, D. T. T. Van, P. Herold, Valle Zárate 2010 Conference paper
Towards a sustainable breeding goal for llamas in Bolivia: WTP estimates for selection traits. 0887 - 0887 A. Markemann, K. Zander, M. Siegmund-Schultze, A. Stemmer, R. Roessler, P. Herold, Valle Zárate 2010 Anthology
Women’s participation in livestock markets in Kenya.  -  J. Njuki, J. Kariuki, E. Waithanji, S. Mburu, J. Lyimo-Macha 2010 Working paper/research report
100 Jahre Ziegenzuchtverband Baden-Württemberg  - ; Druckerei Stöckl P. Herold 2009 Monography
Entwicklung dörflicher Zuchtprogramme für lokale Schweinerassen in Nordwestvietnam: Optimierung der Zuchtplanung und -organisation  -  R. Roessler, P. Herold, H. Momm, A. Willam, Valle Zárate 2009 Scientific lecture slides
Breeding organisation for small-scale pig producers in upland areas in Northwest Vietnam  -  R. Roessler, P. Herold, H. Momm, L. V. Ly, Valle Zárate 2008 Conference paper
Cattle keeping in northern mountains of Vietnam - depending on lowland and highland local resources  -  P. Herold, Valle Zárate 2008 Scientific lecture slides
Cattle performances and socio-economic contribution in different farming systems in northern mountainous Vietnam  -  L. T. T. Huyen, P. Herold, Valle Zárate 2008 Conference paper
Economic success of cattle production in different farming systems in northern mountainous regions of Vietnam  -  L. T. T. Huyen, P. Herold, Valle Zárate 2008 Conference paper
Institutional framework and farm types characterising the Kenya Boran cattle breeding programme  -  T. Rewe, P. Herold, H.-P. Piepho, A. K. Kahi, Valle Zárate 2008 Conference paper
Optimizing breeding plans for market-oriented smallholder pig production in NW Vietnam  -  R. Roessler, P. Herold, Valle Zárate 2008 Anthology
Evaluation of different pig breeding systems for market-oriented smallholder production in North-West Vietnam  -  R. Rößler, P. Herold, L. V. Ly, H.-P. Piepho, Valle Zárate 2007 Anthology
Kenya adaptation to climate change in the arid lands: anticipating, adapting to and coping with climate risks in Kenya - operational recommendations for KACCAL.  -  A. Mude, R. Ouma, J. Steeg, J. Kariuki, D. Opiyo, A. Tipilda 2007 Working paper/research report
Situationsanalyse süddeutscher Erwerbsziegenhalter 2, 509 - 512; Verlag Dr. Köster P. Herold, M. Keller, Valle Zárate 2007 Anthology
Smallholder-forage conservation in Central America: A participatory research project in Honduras.  -  C. Reiber, R. Schultze-Kraft, M. Peters, V. Hoffmann, C. Lascano 2007 Anthology
Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung, Beiträge zur 9. WissenschaftsMeeting Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, 20. - 23. März 2007 2,  - ; Verlag Dr. Köster S. Zikeli, W. Claupein, S. Dabbert, B. Kaufmann, T. Müller, A. Valle Zárate 2007 Conference Proceedings
Adoption and diffusion processes of silage technology in the area of Yoro, Honduras  -  C. Reiber, R. Schultze-Kraft, M. Peters, V. Hoffmann, P. Lentes, H. Cruz, C. Lascano 2006 Anthology
Food security as an objective of multipurpose forage crops in Central-America  -  R. Hoek, C. Reiber, M. Peters, V. Hoffmann 2005 Anthology
Rheological investigation of teh technological potential of Dahlem Cashmere goat milk for cheese production (angenommen)  -  S. Neidhardt, O. Dimassi, R. Carle, L. Mertz, G. Migliore, J. Hinrichs, A. Mané-Bielfeldt, A. Valle Zárate 2003 Scientific lecture slides
Suitability of milk of Dahlem Cashmere goats for cheese production from rheological point of view  -  O. Dimassi, S. Neidhart, R. Carle, L. Mertz, G. Migliore, J. Hinrichs, A. Valle Zárate 2003 Scientific lecture slides
Indigenous characterization of local camel populations and breeding methods of pastoralists in Northern Kenya  -  M. Adams, B. A. Kaufmann, A. Valle Zárate 2002 Meeting Abstract
Characterization of smallholder pig production systems in mountainous areas of North Vietnam.  -  U. Lemke, L. T. Thuy, Anne Valle Zárate 2002 Other
Durchführung der linearen Beschreibung beim Schweinezuchtverband Baden-Württemberg: Einflussfaktoren auf die Ausprägung von Fundamentmerkmalen  -  W. Pflanz, P. Haumann, R. Lindner, A. Valle Zárate 2002 Other
El ganado caprino en Bolivia: Estado actual, sistemas de producción e implicaciones para el mejoramiento genético.  -  A. Stemmer, Anne Valle Zárate 2002 Scientific lecture slides
Integrating genetic improvement into livestock development in medium- to low-input production systems.  -  J. J. Olivier, S. Moyo, H. H. Montaldo, W. Torpe, A. Valle Zárate 2002 Other
Las llamas da Ayopaya, Cochabamba: Caracterización de un recurso genético local y perspectivas de su uso sostenible  -  A. Stemmer, A. Valle Zárate 2002 Scientific lecture slides
Mutterlose Aufzucht von Ziegenlämmern. Vergleich von ad libitum und transpondergesteuerter Automatentränke mit traditionellen Saugeimern  -  A. Mané-Bielfeldt, A. Valle Zárate 2002 Scientific lecture slides
Erfolg von In-situ-Konservierungsmaßnahmen am Beispiel einer lokalen Schweinerasse in Nordvietnam  -  U. Lemke, L. T. Thuy, A. Valle Zárate 2000 Scientific lecture slides
Estrategias de Mejoramiento Animal en Condiciones de Marginalidad  -  A. Valle Zárate 2000 Scientific lecture slides
Estrategias de mejoramiento y consevación de "REGANS" en condiciones de marginalidad  -  S. Lizeca, A. Valle Zárate 2000 Scientific lecture slides
In-situ-conservation of the I-pig in North Vietnam- a case study  -  U. Lemke, L. T. Thuy, A. Valle Zárate 2000 Scientific lecture slides
Rendimientos productivos y caracteristicas fenotipicas de la cabra Criolla en Cochabamba-Bolivia  -  A. Stemmer, T. Altug, A. Valle Zárate 2000 Scientific lecture slides
Contribution of small livestock to social security of Andean peasants  -  Anne Valle Zárate 1999 Other