The Department's Profile

We aim to contribute to efficient and sustainable livestock production systems and food security


We investigate efficient breeding approaches, livestock husbandry techniques, novel (information) technology, climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies in livestock systems, integrating socio-economic and biophysical determinants. We conduct basic and applied, inter- and transdisciplinary research using modelling and conventional approaches.


We conduct research in intensive and extensive (incl. organic) systems in temperate, tropical and sub-tropical environments.

Agricultural systems are facing ever-increasing challenges, such as increasing global demand for livestock products involving intensification, conflicting demands on land and water resources, and climate change. All these challenges entail natural resource degradation including loss of livestock genetic diversity, and some unprecedented trade-offs that can easily ‘tip the balance’ in the production systems.

The section of Animal Breeding and Husbandry in the Tropics and Subtropics aims to contribute to efficient and sustainable livestock production systems and food and nutritional security. Therefore, we investigate efficient breeding approaches, livestock husbandry techniques, novel (information) technology, climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies in livestock systems, integrating socio-economic and biophysical determinants. We conduct basic and applied, inter- and transdisciplinary research in intensive and extensive (incl. organic) systems in temperate, tropical and sub-tropical environments using modelling and conventional approaches.

Research Focus

Genetic resources and quantitative genetics

  • Genomic and phenotypic characterisation of local animal genetic resources
  • Use of genetic and genomic information to design and develop cross-national animal breeding programmes

Sustainable intensification

  • Analysis of resilience and sustainability indicators at economic, ecological and social level
  • Effect of intensification measures on livestock production systems
  • Analysis of genotype-environment interactions

Digitalisation in livestock systems

  • Early and proactive detection of livestock inefficiencies
  • Effective utilisation of mobile technology and telemetry for genetic gains
  • Identification and characterisation of novel, not well considered phenotypes for breeding programme optimisation

Animal health & welfare

  • Interactions among animal welfare, health, performance and product quality
  • Impact of different sustainable intensification models on animal welfare and health

Food security

  • Contribution of livestock production, species, breeds and populations to livelihoods, household income and nutrition

Climate change adaptation

  • Quantification and mitigation of greenhouse gases
  • Analysis of livestock functional and particularly adaptive traits and farmer adaptation and breeding strategies