
Wir bieten Module der Tierwissenschaften an, die für die globale Tierproduktion und die genetische Verbesserung von Nutztieren relevant sind.  Darüber hinaus betreuen wir Studenten in den Forschungsbereichen Tierzucht, genetische Verbesserung, Tierproduktionssysteme und den Zusammenhang zwischen Nutztieren und Umwelt, einschließlich des Klimas

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Abgeschlossene Arbeiten

GAERTNER, Angelika Organic livestock farming in Spain and Iberoamerica - state and perspectives2005Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Grashorn
KANZ, Caroline-IsabellStruktur, Zuchtziele und Zuchtpraxis in der Erwerbsziegenhaltung in Baden-Württemberg in Vergleich zur Erwerbsziegenhaltung in Österreich2009Prof. Valle Zárate
HEINZE, Claudia„Qualität von Kamelmilch“2009Prof. Valle Zárate
THIENHAUS, SarahCharacteristics of organic livestock farming systems in Israel2010Prof. Valle Zárate
De CRAIGHER, GertrudeAuswirkung von Haltungsfaktoren auf Produktivität und Gesundheit von Milchziegen im ökologischen Landbau2011Prof. Valle Zárate
KOCH, JohannaMöglichkeiten des Einsatzes von tiergestützter Therapie und Nutztierhaltung zur Behandlung von Essstörungen2011Prof. Valle Zárate
SPENGLER, MarisaAssessment of water and milk quality in rural mixed crop-livestock farming-systems: a case study of Lume and Siraro districts, Ethiopia2011Prof. Valle Zárate
GRUPP, JonasDairy ranching – feasibility study for Simmental-Fleckvieh in subsistence based farming systems in Africa2015Prof. Valle Zárate
SCHINZEL, SarahBiodiversität durch sozial Landwirtschaft-Nutzung und Eignung von gefährdeten Nutztierrassen auf Schulbauernhöfen in Baden-Württemberg2018Prof. Chagunda
SONNER, SamuelAuslegung und Finanzierung der Bruderkalb-Strategien in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung2020Prof. Chagunda
Falke, JaninePotenziale und Einschränkungen von Sperma-Sexing als Methode zur Reduzierung der Anzahl von wertarmen Kälbern aus der Bio-Milchproduktion2021Prof. Chagunda
Schwenk, PiaUmsetzung von Kälberverfahren und Potenzial von Kälberstrategien in ökologischen und konventionellen Milchviehbetrieben in Süddeutschland2021Prof. Chagunda
Tesfaye, AidaPotential of integrating livestock in certified organic crop production systems in the tropics2021Prof. Chagunda
Noller, JanaPotenziale und Einschränkungen der kuhgebundenen Kälberaufzucht in Süddeutschland2021Prof. Chagunda
Schmidt, SarahPotential trade-offs and synergies between intensifying livestock production and human health, focusing on zoonotic diseases in Africa2021Prof. Chagunda
Müller, AdrianMeta-analysis about extensive pig production with emphasis on welfare2021Prof. Chagunda
Kamps, CarolinPotenzial der Querfinanzierung einer Kuhgebundenen Kälberaufzucht über die Direktvermarktung von Milch im ökologischen Landbau2021Prof. Chagunda
Müller, VictoriaQualitätsanalyse von Bio-Fleisch von Rind und Kalb aus kuhgebundener Aufzucht anhand von ausgewählten objektiven und subjektiven Parametern2022Prof. Chagunda
Henzl, PaulaDeterminanten der Fleischqualität und -leistung von Kälbern aus der kuhgebundenen Aufzucht2022Prof. Chagunda, Prof. Ströbele-Benschop
Angele, VeraZweinutzungshühner für den Ökolandbau: sensorische Vergleichsanalyse des Brustfleisches vom Sundheimer Huhn mit ökologischem Broiler2023Prof. Chagunda
Krebs, MaximilianUntersuchungen zur Beurteilung der äußerlichen Merkmale des Sundheimer Huhn2023Prof. Chagunda
NAVARATE, MaduweEconomics of small scale dairy farming in Sri Lanka2002Prof Heidhues, Prof, Valle Zárate
IKE, AnthonyUrban dairying in Awassa, Ethiopia2002Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Böhm
ALANDIA, Erika RoblesAnimal health management in a llama breeding project in Ayopaya, Bolivia: Parasitological survey2003Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Mackenstedt
ALOO, Fredrick Onyango Validation of indigenous assessment of milk performance of different Rendille camel types in northern Kenya 2003Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Hoffmann
HUANG, Thi Huong TraAssessing input in pig production with special focus on feed resources and feeding management in demand and resource driven production systems in Son La province, Vietnam2003Prof. Valle Zárate, Dr. Thuy
MUSAVAYA, KatinkaWeight development in camels of different age and sex classes under field conditions in an semi-arid area in Northern Kenya2003Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Piepho
MARITZ, Hendrik Jacobus Evaluation of camel health management practises of Rendille pastoralists in Marsabit district, Kenya2004Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Hoffmann
GODWIN, Vincent Abbey Performance of progeny groups of Merinolandschafe with different allele configuration at Prion Protein Locus: Weight development until slaughter and parasite infestation2004Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Mackenstedt
HUYEN, Le Thi Thanh Analysis of animal production systems in H’mong villages of northern Vietnam2004Prof. Valle Zárate, Dr. Thuy
AJUH, Joel Agwetang Effect of genetically reduced feathering on broiler performance and livability in hot climates2004Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Cahaner
HOA, Pham Thi ThanPhenotypic and biometric characterisation of autochthonous Vietnamese Ban pigs2005Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Piepho
NDAMBI, Oghaiki Asaah Perspectives of dairy production in the western highlands of Cameroon2005Prof. Hoffmann, Prof. Valle Zárate
QUOC, Hoang Dinh The damage of avian influenza on household economics in Northern Vietnam2005Prof. Heidhues, Prof. Valle Zárate
KNEER, OliverConcepts and actors in organic livestock husbandry in Bolivia2006Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Hoffmann
PETROV, IvayloAuswirkung der Selektion am PrP-Locus auf Leistung und Gesundheit von Schafen2006Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Piepho
OTHMAN, IbrahimReproductive performance and lactation yield of Local Awassi, Improved Awassi and Afec Awassi ewes under contemporary comparison on Khanasri station, Jordan2007Prof. Valle Zárate, Dr. Gootwine
OKERE, IsaiahMeat yield and quality of broiler genotypes with and without feathers, under hot conditions2007Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Cahaner
LANGE, MarionSensory quality of organically produced pork2007Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Grashorn
RAHIMAH, SouviaHygienic quality and processability of goat milk affected by management practises2007Prof. Hinrichs, Prof. Valle Zárate
THEOFANO-ELISSAVET, VetouliAnimal welfare approaches and the concept of naturalness in organic dairy calf farming management2008Dr. Kaufmann, Prof. Gall
TAKYI, AugustinePerceived versus realised benefits of crossbred goats in the Kedida Gamela district of Southern Ethiopia2008Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Hoffmann
SCHÜßLER, JohannaImpact of support centers for social farming on benefits from livestock in northern Europe2008Prof. Valle Zárate, Dr. Elsen
COLOMBO, StefanieWollqualität und Organisation der Produzenten als Determinanten der Vermarktungsmöglichkeiten von Schafwolle von der Schwäbischen Alb2008Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Becker
SCHNEIDER, SarahGeographical certification as production and certification strategy for smallholder sheep farming in Ceará, Brazil2009Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Zeller
HEEB, AlexanderParticipatory risk assessment on game products marketed through formal and informal chains2009Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Hoffmann
NDONGO, FlavienHusbandry practices and breed influencing safety of milk and milk products from small farms around Nairobi2009Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Piepho
TRAORÉ, Sékou AmadouContribution of endemic ruminants to the livelihoods of small farmers in the Gambia2009Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Zeller
ERKINAY, NilayEffects of water quality on performance and meat quality of broilers*2010Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Grashorn
SETIANINGRUM, RinawatiBreed preferences and adoption potential for alternative feeding options for cattle in Northern Vietnam2010Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Cadisch
AL ROSAN, AsemTrait preferences of sheep keepers in Jordan2010Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Bennewitz
KURY, StefanAnalyse der Organisationsstrukturen der Braunviehzüchtung in Baden-Württemberg2011Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Birner
TRUNG, Dang DinhOptions for overcoming genotype & environment interactions by management of beef cattle in Vietnam2011Prof. Valle Zárate, Boonlam
STEINBACH, NadjaVergleich von Tierschutz-Gütesiegeln für Schweinefleisch aus konventioneller und ökologischer Tierhaltung2011Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Becker
STÖTZER, BettinaStandards for organic fibre and wool production in Argentine2011Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Birner
THANAMMAL, RavichandranImpact of Adoption of Superior dual purpose Groundnut cultivars in mixed crop-livestock systems on household resource allocation and output from animal production2011Prof. Valle Zárate, Blümmel
SPENGLER, MarisaAssessment of water and milk quality in rural mixed crop-livestock farming-systems: a case study of Lume and Siraro districts, Ethiopia2011Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Grashorn
SELLE, MargretThe influence of farm and herd factors on the health status of dairy cattle under reduced concentrate input in organic agriculture2012Prof. Valle Zárate, Ivemeyer
LE GORE, LawsonAdoption Rates and Nutritional Value of Fermented Banana Stalk (FBS) as an Alternative Feed Base in Small Scale Pig Production Systems in North Thailand2012Chirawath, Prof. Valle Zárate
GIEBLER-SCHUBERT, FraukeEinsatz von Weisstannen zur Reduktion des Magen-Darm-strongyliden Befalls bei Ziegen: in vivo Versuche und Erfahrungswissen 2013Heckendorn, Prof. Valle Zárate
ZAVALETA HUERTA, LucySituation und Perspektiven für landwirtschaftliche Genossenschaften in der Itaparica Region (Nordost-Brasilien)2013Doluschitz, Prof. Valle Zárate
AU, MarieMilchleistungsprüfung bei kleinen Wiederkäuern2013Prof. Valle Zárate, Herold
BIENZLE, Elisa SusannaCharakterisierung der Schwarzwaldziege2014Herold, Sölkner
HÄRTL, TheresaChoice of breeds and breeding methods for sows on organic pig farms in Southern Germany2014Prof. Valle Zárate, Herold
SANTOS DA COSTA, RaphaelaFarmer innovations in livestock productions systems in Pernambuco, Brazil2014Prof. Valle Zárate, Doluschitz
PHELAN, LisetteAdding value to smallholder forage-based dual-purpose cattle value chains in Nicaragua, in the context of carbon insetting2015Prof. Valle Zárate, Knierim
DE CRAIGHER, GertrudeÖkologische Zwei-Nutzungs-Züchtung von Rassehühnern: Zuchtziele und Zuchtorganisation für Bresse Gauloises2015Prof. Valle Zárate, Herold
GHAZIANI, ShahinMeat quality of double-purpose chicken „Les Bleus“ compared to a slow-growing commercial hybrid2015Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Grashorn
SIEMANN, MiraContrasting farmers and expert knowledge for adaptation strategies to challenges in livestock production in NE-Brazil2015Prof. Valle Zárate, Knierim
RE, MartinaAssessment of community-based sheep breeding programs in Ethiopia2016Wurzinger, Prof. Valle Zárate
LAUTENBACHER, ChristineConsumer attitude towards dual-purpose chicken in Southern Germany2016Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Becker
PÖHLMANN, IngaHow can food security and income diversity of smallholder farmers in the Philippines be improved by organic pig production?2017Prof. Valle Zárate, Bondoc
LU, XinCan the adoption of supply chain requirements on meat safety and quality improve the livelihoods of smallholders in Asia?2017Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Zeller
AMRAM, RonDo Bresse Gauloise chickens offer a superior meat quality on the retail level?2017Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Grashorn
RE, MartinaImpact analysis of CBBPs with small ruminants in Ethiopia 2017Wurzinger, Prof. Valle Zárate
BAE, SangeunHow can organic pig production with local breeds in the Philippines succeed in keeping morbidity and mortality low while avoiding anti-microbial use?2017Prof. Valle Zárate, Bondoc
CRESTIN-BILLET, SarahUse of local animal genetic resources and organic livestock production in Thailand2017Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Zikeli
BAISCH, PhilippEinfluss von Haltungssystemen auf das Tierwohl bei Holstein und Fleckvieh Kühen und dessen Auswirkungen auf ausgewählte Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte2018Prof. Valle Zárate, Knierim
Plakolm, IsoldeEffects of different doe-kid separation and milk feeding techniques on animal welfare in goats2019Prof. Chagunda, Glasser
Maurer, SophiaAutomatically measured milk electrical conductivity as a possible indicator of metabolic status in dairy cows2019Prof. Chagunda, Prof. Dickhöfer
Wollmeister, ManuelDeterminanten der Vermarktung von biologisch und konventionell erzeugter Kälber aus Milchviehbetrieben in Baden-Württemberg2019Prof. Chagunda, Becker
Graham, HannahThe effect of lunar cycles and lunar distance on feed intake, water intake, body weight and milk yield in dairy cattle2019Prof. Chagunda, March
Carbajal, AdelinaFood security in farming systems in Mali2019Prof. Chagunda, Prof. Birner
Khánh Thùy DinhMarketing and branding options for pork products from Ban pigs in northern Vietnam2019Prof. Valle Zárate, Le Thi Than
Mayokun, O. AkeremaleThe influence of household decision dynamics on building resilience for food security; a case study of the “one cow per poor family” initiative in Rwanda 2019Prof. Chagunda, Wieck
Gresham, JosephineProspects of organic calf commercialization and marketing in the state of Baden-Württemberg2019Prof. Chagunda, Prof. Zikeli
Ribeiro Leandro, MiguelMeat quality of local pig breeds of different regions from subtropics to temperate regions –
a case study from Portugal and Baden-Württemberg
2020Prof. Chagunda, Da Costa
Norman, EvelineEffect of supplementary feeding on performance, enteric methane emissions and economic returns in Boran cattle2020Prof. Chagunda, Prof. Birner
Hristov, PetarPrediction of cow body condition score from thermographic body temperature profiles2020Prof. Chagunda, Müller
Schönfeldt, LeaDeterminants of the relevance of animal welfare and sustainability criteria in dairy farming with a focus on cow-calf rearing – an assessment by farmers and students2021Prof. Chagunda, Prof. Braun
Tolle, NilsDeveloping and applying a dynamic framework for climate changes instigation and adaptation planning at farm-level – case study of a mixed farm in Northern Hessen, Germany2021Prof. Chagunda, Prof. Graß
Jeevaratnam, Sinduya The perceveid value of working animals in relation to other livestock in different countries2021Prof. Chagunda, Prof. Birner
Zeidler, JohannesDas Potenzial der teilmobilen Schlachtung von Rindern im Herkunftsbetrieb: Stressbelastung und Fleischqualität2022Prof. Chagunda, Dr. Schiller
Krishnappa, Anil Kumar Gajaga Livestock in the digital age – determining sire use spatial distribution and preference in relation to dairy breeding goals by applying data collected using digital apps in India”2022Prof. Chagunda, Ravichandran
Albrecht, ReginaUmsetzbarkeit und finanzieller Aufwand von unterschiedlichen Stallbaulösung mit kuhgebundener Kälberaufzucht im Milchviehsektor2022Prof. Chagunda, Prof. Gallmann
Zimmermann, NataschaMast- und Schlachtleistung sowie Parameter der Fleischqualität bei Merinolandschaftlämmer aus intensiver Stall- bzw. Weidemast2023Prof. Chagunda, Prof. Grashorn
Okeke, ImmaculataAre animal breeding and digital technologies shifting gender norms and dynamics? The case of Tanzanian small-scale dairy farming household2023Prof. Chagunda, Dr. Kariuki
Schmidt, MarnieLife cycle assessment of a local and animal -friendly beet fattening system in Bade-Württemberg, Germany2023Prof. Chagunda, Prof. Lewandowski
KAHI, AlexanderGenetic and economic aspects of breeding for dairy production in Kenya2000Prof. Gall
ZALUDIK, KatrinaBewertung praxisüblicher Mastschweinehaltungen in Nordrhein-Westfalen hinsichtlich der Tiergerechtheit 2001Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Troxler
HAARANNEN, MarkusEinfluss des Absetzalters auf das Verhalten von Ferkeln nach dem Absetzen2002Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Bessei
ALTUG, TurgutCharakterisierung von Criollo-Ziegen in ihrem Produktionsumfeld in den Andentälern Boliviens2002Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Hoffmann
WEBER, RagnhildWohlergehen von Mastschweinen in verschiedenen Haltungsvarianten (Beurteilung anhand von ethologischen Parametern, Gesundheits- und Leistungsmerkmalen)2003Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Jungbluth
DELGADO, JavierPerspectivas de la producción de fibra de llama en Bolivia: Potencial y desarrollo de estrategias para mejorar la calidad de la fibra y su aptitud para la comercialización
(Perspektiven der Faserproduktion mit Lamas in Bolivien: Potential und Entwicklung von Strategien zur Verbesserung von Qualität und Vermarktungseignung der Faser)
2003Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Schultze-Kraft
DIMASSI, OssamaYield, composition and processability of Dahlem Cashmere goats’ milk2005Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Hinrichs
WURZINGER, MariaPopulationsgenetische Analysen in Lamapopulationen zur Implementierung von Leistungsprüfung und Selektion2005Prof. Sölkner, Prof. Valle Zárate
Nalumu, Helen
Open nucleus dairy cattle breeding programme in the lake Victoria crescent region of Uganda2005Prof. Sölkner, Prof. Valle Zárate
NÜRNBERG, MichaelaEvaluierung von Produktionssystemen der Lamahaltung in bäuerlichen Gemeinden der Hochanden Boliviens2005Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Barlösius
DEHMELT, Sigrid (Lammer)Bewertung des Leistungsprofils der Mehrnutzungsziege Dahlem Cashmere in unterschiedlichen Haltungsformen2005Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Horst
TEUFEL, NilsSmallholder milk production in the Punjab of Pakistan and the evaluation of potential interventions2006Prof. Gall, Prof. Heidhues
LEMKE, UteCharacterisation of smallholder pig production systems in mountainous areas of North Vietnam2006Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Buchenrieder
HAU, Nguyen Van(Performance of Mong Cai and Ban pigs under smallholder conditions in the northern mountainous area in Vietnam and its relation to genetic polymorphisms at selected loci)
On Farm Performance of Vietnamese Pig Breeds and its Relation to Candidate Genes
2008Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Piepho, Prof. Grashorn
LEGESSE, GetahunProductive and economic performance of small ruminants in two production systems of the highlands of Ethiopia2008Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Piepho, Prof. Grashorn
WARUI, Harun MainaCharacterisation of local sheep and goat resources of northern Kenya in their production system context2008Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Piepho
RÖßLER, ReginaOptimisation of breeding programs with local pigs bred in North Vietnam, considering functions of pigs for smallholders and logistics determinants2009Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Willam, Prof. Piepho
REWE, ThomasBreeding objectives and selection schemes for beef cattle populations in Kenya
Breeding objectives and selection schemes for Boran cattle in Kenya
2009Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Piepho, Prof. Kahi
HUYEN, Le Thi ThanhSuitability of different farm types for cattle development in Northern Vietnam2010Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Piepho, Prof. Zeller
MARKEMANN, AndréFunctions and Selection Criteria for a Llama Population in the Bolivian Andes2010Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Piepho, Prof. Grashorn
ATTAMIMI, FaradillaSustainability analysis of beef production with Bali cattle in smallholder farms on Ceram Island, Indonesia2011Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Piepho, Prof. Zeller
AL BAQAIN, AnnaSuitability of different Awassi lines for efficient sheep production of Bedouins in the Negev2011Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Piepho, Prof. Doppler
ILATSIA, EvansGenetics of performance traits of Sahiwal cattle in Kenya and prospects for genetic improvement using nucleus breeding schemes2011Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Piepho, Prof. Grashorn
HAUßNER, BiancaImpacts on smallholder pig husbandry management in the uplands of Northern Vietnam2012Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Hoffmann, Prof. Zeller
AMENU, KebedeAssessment of water sources and quality for livestock and farmers in the Rift Valley area of Ethiopia: Implications for health and food safety2013Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Hoffmann, Prof. Piepho
BEKELE, Megersa BatiImpacts of climate change on livestock production and linkage with food security in Borana pastoral systems, southern Ethiopia2013Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Piepho, Prof. Birner
MERSHA, Sintayehu YigremContribution of dairy cattle to smallholders farming systems, family income and nutrition in three Zones of South Ethiopia2014Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Piepho, Prof. Birner
AL-KHAZA’LEh, Ja’far MansurEffect of Water Restriction and Water quality on Performance of goat breeds in Jordan2015Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Piepho, Prof. Birner
MUTH, PhilippGenetic differences in meat colour and their impact on meat quality2016Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Grashorn, Prof. Bennewitz
BELETE, Tatek WoldOptimizing Community Based Breeding for indigenous goat breeds in Ethiopia2016Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Piepho, Dr. Wurzinger
TRAORÉ, Sékou AmadouContribution of cattle breeds to household livehoods and food security in southern Mali2017Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Birner, Prof. Piepho
Entwicklung eines nachhaltigen Zuchtprogramms „Ziegen für den ökologischen Landbau2019Prof. Valle Zárate, Prof. Dickhöfer, Dr. Herold
CHAWALA, AlunaBreeding strategies in smallholder dairy systems in Tanzania2020Prof. Chagunda


Winter und Sommer Semester:

Kurse während des Wintersemesters

4908-441 - Livestock Production Systems and Development

In the first part of the module, a framework for the understanding of livestock production is provided, beginning with the analysis of the state of livestock production in tropical and subtropical countries and classification of livestock production systems. Reproductive and productive characteristics of livestock species and their socio-cultural and socio-economic roles and functions in different production systems are discussed.

In the second part, a multi-disciplinary approach addressing different fields of animal science, including an introduction to husbandry, feeding (forage husbandry and conservation), animal health, and breeding (breeds and performances, breeding methods, organization of breeding programs), is presented. Options and perspectives for practical application of technologies in different production systems (pastoral, urban/peri-urban, smallholder crop-livestock) are discussed.

Students are encouraged to deepen their knowledge through background reading, exercises, and seminar contributions that are prepared using selected scientific literature under guidance from members of staff.


4908-451 - Organic Livestock Farming and Products

  1. Biological, geopolitical reasons behind principles and international regulations of husbandry, breeding, nutrition and health management in organic livestock farming with examples from different livestock species
  2. Examination of animal health and welfare concepts and implications for organic livestock farming
  3. Ethical issues of animal-man relationship
  4. Measurable and non-measurable traits, factors influencing quality of (organic) livestock products, differences between conventional and organic products, matching specific consumer attitudes towards products from organic livestock farming, environmental footprints of organic vs. conventional products.
  5. Potential, constraints and examples of organic livestock production and marketing of organic products in subtropical and tropical countries
  6. Livestock as a system component in organic farming: contributions and constraints in different farming systems
  7. Environmental and socio-economic sustainability of organic vs. non-organic livestock production.

This module goes beyond the basic principles and elements of organic livestock production and organic livestock products. It is aimed to examine and discuss the biological, geo-political and structural reasons behind the principles and regulations of husbandry, breeding, nutrition and health management in organic livestock farming. Further, the module deals with issues of sustainability, ethics and interdisciplinarity in different organic livestock production systems. Scheduled lectures with incorporation of internationally renowned guest lecturers transmit basic and advanced knowledge. Interaction with the lecturers from the institute is encouraged during the whole module period. Seminar presentations and development of policy briefs by the scholars on specific topics reinforce the learning process through a combination of preparatory reading selected literature, active presentation of acquired knowledge and enhanced discussions. A digital excursion will demonstrate various organic farming systems and may include organic farms with milk and meat processing, farmers' organisation promoting local breeds with slaughter house and selling point, organic egg production, integrated and social farms with own selling points.



Kurse während des Sommersemesters

A001 - 490h Seminar for PhD and Master students

Presentation and discussion of on-going research and current issues in animal breeding and husbandry. Students will also be given instructions in scientific writing, presentation and communication.


4908-211 - Tierhaltung im Ökologischen Landbau

Der Modulteil Tierhaltung im Ökologsichen Landbau befasst sich mit folgenden Themen:

  • Standortangepasste Rassenwahl sowie Zuchtziele und -methoden bei der Nutztierhaltung in ökologisch wirtschaftenden Betrieben.
  • Speziellen Fragestellung der Geflügelhaltung und Geflügerernährung im Ökologischen Landbau
  • Speziellen Fragestellungen der Schweinehaltung und -fütterung im Ökologischen Landbau
  • Ethologie, tiergerechte Haltung von Widerkäuern, Schweinen und Geflügel
  • Tiergesundheit
  • Qualität der tierischen Produkte


4908-421 - Promotion of Livestock in Tropical Environments

The module introduces and discusses the links between livestock production and development. Aims, concepts and priorities of livestock development (depending on region and production system), and measures of animal husbandry and breeding are discussed. Further, the module highlights the contribution of livestock to sustainable development goals and global sustainability. Development approaches of different organizations (IOs, GOs, and NGOs) are illustrated and discussed. The students receive a tutorial in the use of participatory methods for research and development projects. Students are involved in a workshop covering methodologies for project planning and evaluation based on existing projects. Knowledge and methods applied within this module are equally relevant for students interested in both animal production and in the promotion of agricultural development programmes with a livestock component.


4908-481 - Animal Breeding for Sustainable Development

Definition of breeding goals, design of breeding programs, gene flow method; estimation of monetary genetic progress and planning programs; case studies on organisation and process of straight-breeding in cattle, sheep and goats (herd book breeding with field testing, nucleus breeding programs); excursion to breeding organisations; presentation of species specific breeding methods in crossbreeding (specific crossing systems and commercial first crosses in pig breeding, stratified crossbreeding in sheep with vertical and horizontal integration); structure and efficiency of crossbreeding programs. Community based breeding programmes. Planning and organisation of breeding.
