| After training as a veterinary assistant, Lea completed her bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Rostock. Afterwards, she decided to study for a master’s degree in Animal Science at the University of Hohenheim. As a research assistant and doctoral student, her interests lie primarily in the field of social science issues relating to animal welfare and animal ethics in livestock farming, especially the reorganisation of animal farming towards animal-friendly, sustainable production of animal derived foods. She is involved in the EIP project Milchviehkälber – Wertschätzung durch Wertschöpfung and is investigating the feasibility of sustainably improving the management of surplus dairy calves, not remaining on the dairy farm as dairy cows, by creating regional value chains for beef-on-dairy. PhD project: Integrating dairy calves into local beef value chains: A feasibility study of the approach for enhancing the appreciation of surplus dairy calves For project information see: www.laend-rind.de |